Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ray, Rod, Domino at piano

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Quest 12 - U-Tube (Part 1) Thank God I Am Done

quest 11

Hey, I think this is an excellent tool.  To be able to access your document from any computer.  This is also good , for example, if you are on the computer and you are in the middle of a document, you can save it and then when your time is up you can save it,  get on another computer and not worry about losing your document.


Also,  this would be good in the office , for example,  if three people have to work on one document, they can all work on it at one time, instead of emailing  it  to one peroson,  then waiting for that person to  add in their part and then emailing it back to the next person in line.  It can be done  all at once .


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Quest 9 - Wiki

Wiki is an excellent tool for researchers. I myself do not see me using it anytime in the near future.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Quest 8 - Social Networking

Well I finally did it. Now I with the in crowd so to speak. I now have a myspace account. It's pretty cool. Still trying to get the hang of things, but I think that I am going to enjoy it for the moment.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Quest 7 - Photoshooting

As far as my many quest that I have done and conquered, this is the next best quest that I like. Of course my all time favorite is IM. I don't have many pictures yet, but as soon as I do, I will be loading them and sharing them with my friend and family.

Quest 6 - Delicious and Technorati

If I was real technical and really into research, this would be an excellent tool for me. But being that I am not into the technical aspect of delicious and technorati, it is not of use to me.

I am not really understanding it because first of all I don't have to time to explore it like I would like and second I don't have a computer at home so therefore it is of little use to me